What You Need at the Gym

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Planning on Starting the Gym? Here's 5 Items You Need to Buy

Joining a gym can be overwhelming, as there seems to be so much you need. When you break it down, it is far simpler. There are a few basics that you'll need, and although they may seem obvious, it'll be hard to succeed in the gym without them! Each person wants to achieve something different in the gym, so once you've got the basics, you'll pick up the rest as you go along.

Water Bottle

Although a lot of gym's have water fountains, to save plastic, some gym's are no longer providing plastic cups. So, it is sometimes better to have your bottle there for easy access whenever needed. Other people prefer to take short breaks from their workouts by using water fountains, so this is down to preference. However, it is always advisable to take a bottle into classes, as you'll almost definitely need it!

Good Quality Trainers

Having the right support for your feet when training is a must. This doesn't mean you have to spend hundreds on specialist shoes, but just having a good quality pair of trainers that you feel comfortable in, and that feel supportive, will be perfect. As you become more experienced, if you want to focus on weights, then shoes with a strong sole and minimal cushion in the heels will be the best option.

Comfortable Clothes

Wearing comfortable fitness clothing to the gym is so important to prevent any restriction, whether you're focusing on weights, cardio or both. Whether you want to opt for gym joggers, shorts, leggings, t-shirts or vests, there are so many options out there to make your gym experience as comfortable as possible. Plus, if you have something stylish as well as comfortable, you might be more inclined to push yourself to the gym more often!

Simple Workout Bag

Staying organised by having all your kit in one bag is the best way to go. You don't need anything fancy, just a simple backpack or handheld bag will do the job. Even a carrier bag will do; anything to avoid dropping all your stuff in the gym reception after juggling it from the car. Having a few compartments can be helpful, but just make sure it isn't too big, as it's got to go in the locker!


Not everyone likes to listen to music when they train, but others find it key to maintaining concentration and motivation. To make sure that they do not get in the way, invest in some cheaper wireless headphones. Whatever your activity, having a good set of headphones can change your gym experience. When it gets a bit tough, nothing beats some inspirational music.

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