Overtraining Symptoms

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Overtraining Symptoms You Should Know

How Can You Identify Overtraining Symptoms That Are Negatively Impacting Your Performance?

Overtraining symptoms are far too common in the fitness industry.  Many people who have overtraining symptoms don't even think to look at how they are training because they believe that exercise is healthy in any format.  Overtraining symptoms are alarms that your body is trying to tell you to back off and allow it to repair and rebuild.  In this post I will go over three very common overtraining symptoms that you should always know so you can identify when/if you reach that overtraining threshold.

Here Are Three Common Yet Important Overtraining Symptoms

1.  One of the first things to look at for overtraining symptoms is injury frequency.  If you find yourself getting injured more frequently you need to ask why.  Frequent injuries are a great way to identify if you are overtraining.  If you are pulling muscles, tweaking ankles, and getting reoccurring back pain they are all overtraining symptoms.  Make sure you pay attention to your body.  Push yourself, but not beyond what your body can handle.

2.  You are getting sick more often.  Getting sick more than usual can stem from a variety of circumstances.  Depending on your stress level, eating habits, environment, and the like can all be factors in you getting sick more often.  But if nothing has changed in your life and you are still working out hard, these are great indicators of overtraining symptoms.  Getting sick (colds, flu, etc) from overtraining happens a lot.  If you are overtraining you are pushing your body beyond its limits and you begin to break your immune system down.  Marathon runners are well known for have a low immunity do to their aggressive training regimen.  The last thing anyone needs is to be over training and diminishing their immune system at the same time.

3.  You can't complete your normal workout routine.  If you find yourself not able to complete your normal workout routine and downright feel awful during or after it, then these overtraining symptoms are good ways to know that you have pushed yourself over your capabilities.  If you have been noticing a gradual decline in your workout performance then it is more than likely the steady progression of your body not being able to keep up with what you are trying to accomplish.

Overtraining Symptoms Can Be Vague And Hard To Detect If You Don't Know What To Look For.

Anyone of of these overtraining symptoms that I discussed would more than likely not lead any of you to pinpoint that you are overtraining.  But, if you put all three of these overtraining symptoms together, they paint a pretty obvious picture that you need to tone it down a bit and allow your body to rest.  I know that some people feel this is not possible because they do not want to break they routine.  I understand that point, but if your routine is conjuring up multiple overtraining symptoms, you are doing more harm than good at that point.

Don't be a hero or someone who is hard headed when it comes to your health.  Do the right thing and if you notice multiple or just a couple overtraining symptoms take a day or two off and then jump back into your routine.  One sure fire way to make sure you are not overtraining is to follow a well put together workout plan.  By having a workout plan with exercises, rep counts, intensity levels, and a strong nutrition plan to compensate your fitness regimen, it will set you up for success and more than likely keep you away from developing overtraining symptoms.  I recommend you check out The Mike Thiga Muscle Building Experiment.  He has put together a fantastic plan that I have tried and thoroughly enjoy that focuses on building lean muscle without having to join a gym.  Watch the video when you click on the link, he tells you the whole story.  If you follow The Muscle Experiment, I highly doubt you will ever develop overtraining symptoms.

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