Bodybuilding Contest Checklist

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Bodybuilding is a very demanding sport as it is not just a lifestyle change that is needed to be successful at putting on muscle but also preparing for a contest. For example you need to shave your body-hair and some bodybuilders need to get their skin darker so that the hard earned muscle can be easily seen by the judges.

Some of the items listed on the checklist below will be obvious but it is better to make certain that you have not forgotten anything on the day of the contest. With all the intense training and cardio you have been doing there is a good chance you could miss something.

What is not included in the checklist are obvious assumptions that you should not make. Applying to enter the competition, making sure you know how to get there and setting up transport to ensure you will not be late are obvious. The judges will easily be able to feel your confidence when you walk onstage if you have prepared everything well in advance.

The list below includes a list that you should look at 7 days before the event.

Follow training program that targets both Type I and Type II muscle fibers .

Your diet should include water and salt monitoring .

Plan and stick to increasing cardio output just a small amount each day.

If you have a tanning plan it needs to be current in order to reach the color you are trying to get.

Water reduction starting 7 days before the event.

Hair removal whether razor or lotion should always be monitored.

Music and posing needs to be practiced daily.

Make sure you are happy with posing trunks/bikini and have one spare.

Make a second copy of the music you are going to use for your posing routine and take it with you.

Take your tanning lotion and the oil you are going to be using backstage that you have tried and tested.

Pack a bag with bananas and honey so that you can complete your carbo load on the day of the competition.

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